Well, here we are again. I hope everyone is doing well and has had a great week.
First off, for those of you who realized that this is transfer week, there are no changes in my area. I am staying here with Elder Romero for another six weeks. Hopefully we have more success than we did this past transfer.
Probably the most exciting news is that I have my new teeth! The dentist put them in on Monday. They look really good and I am very happy with them. I have one more check up appointment and then hopefully I don´t have to go to the dentist ever again.
Other than that I don´t really have much to say. We worked hard this week, but didn't see very many results. Our mission president has said several times that the biggest test of faith is doing everything right but not getting the results you were expecting. Let´s just say the last few weeks have been a very big test of my faith. (But I guess that just means God trusts me. In 1 Corithians 10:13, it says that God will never test us more than we can bear. So if He tests us a lot it means he knows we can withstand it) We have several people we are teaching that are really awesome and have desires to follow God but for some reason we haven´t been able to help them come to church. They say they are going to come, we go to look for them Sunday morning, we have members go look for them, but they always are sleeping or something. Sometimes you wish you could just make people do things, but that´s not God´s plan. I´m here to invite them to follow Christ, if they accept or not is their choice.
Well, that´s all I really have to say. I hate to sound so down hearted, I´m not really. This is God´s work and His church. I know that He lives and that He is waiting for us to come unto Him. He is standing at the door and knocking, and whoever will here His voice and open the door can enjoy and the presence of God in their lives.
¡Hasta Luego!
Elder Gardner
First off, for those of you who realized that this is transfer week, there are no changes in my area. I am staying here with Elder Romero for another six weeks. Hopefully we have more success than we did this past transfer.
Probably the most exciting news is that I have my new teeth! The dentist put them in on Monday. They look really good and I am very happy with them. I have one more check up appointment and then hopefully I don´t have to go to the dentist ever again.
Other than that I don´t really have much to say. We worked hard this week, but didn't see very many results. Our mission president has said several times that the biggest test of faith is doing everything right but not getting the results you were expecting. Let´s just say the last few weeks have been a very big test of my faith. (But I guess that just means God trusts me. In 1 Corithians 10:13, it says that God will never test us more than we can bear. So if He tests us a lot it means he knows we can withstand it) We have several people we are teaching that are really awesome and have desires to follow God but for some reason we haven´t been able to help them come to church. They say they are going to come, we go to look for them Sunday morning, we have members go look for them, but they always are sleeping or something. Sometimes you wish you could just make people do things, but that´s not God´s plan. I´m here to invite them to follow Christ, if they accept or not is their choice.
Well, that´s all I really have to say. I hate to sound so down hearted, I´m not really. This is God´s work and His church. I know that He lives and that He is waiting for us to come unto Him. He is standing at the door and knocking, and whoever will here His voice and open the door can enjoy and the presence of God in their lives.
¡Hasta Luego!
Elder Gardner
I was going for a strike. Not quite, but not too bad.